Tuna with wasabi cream and soy sauce
Homemade Mozzarella cheese with olive oil and sea salt
Goose liver mousse with wine ice cream
Spiced flan with minced oyster
Scallop with ricotta cheese
Sardine with pancetta and coriander
Sauvignon Blanc 2004- to match with first dish
Rhone Hermitage 2003- to match with second dish
Bourgogne Jean-Marc Pillot 2003-to match with third dish
Szekszardi Bikaver 2003 (Hungary wine, bulls blood)-to match with forth dish
First dish--
Shortly fried minced blue fin tuna and tempura of langoustines, avocado cream,
sancho pepper and ice cooled cucumber jelly
Second dish--
Scallops with belly bacon,
artichoke/truffle tapioca (starch) and juice of porcini mushrooms (cèpes)
Third dish--
Grilled sole with balsamic vinegar juice, cream of Jerusalem artichokes and Parmesan foam
Forth dish--
Anjou pigeon cooked on low temperature with ravioli of salsify, lentils and goose liver.
Spring rolls of the legs, truffle jelly and pigeon juice
White wine ice cream covered with chocolate mousse
Pineapple glass ball filled with olive oil
Pineapple mousse topped with minced apple
Foam, topped with walking yogurt
Pineapple jelly
Fresh grapefruit and orange with Tangerine sorbet à la mode
Passion fruit together with Brazia rum sorbet and lemon ice cream
Pomelo ice cream
Petit Fours
Pistachio ice cream
Exotic fruit cocktail
Gin ice cream and grenadine (syrup)
Pearl with quince (kind of pear) mousse