Donnafugata 的意思是「逃走的女人」,源於著名的義大利小說《豹》中的女主角,而其原型即奧地利哈布斯堡貴族之女Maria Carolina。
Maria Carolina 於16 歲時嫁給義大利波旁皇族費迪南多四世,19 世紀初期為逃離拿破崙軍隊前來西西里,當時的避難所即位於現今酒莊附近。
Donnafugata 將這段歷史化為一張畫,因此酒莊生產的酒瓶上皆可見到一長髮隨風飄揚的女人肖像。
Mille e una notte(一千零一夜)酒標上的Santa Margherita Belice 皇宮即皇后在西西里島的避難之處,同時也是《豹》的作者 Tomasi di Lampedusa 喜愛之居所。酒莊女主人Gabriella Anca Rallo 將皇宮畫像與一千零一夜的星空結合,完成此一優雅酒標。
沒想到這支旗艦酒款居然成為阿莫先生最愛的紅葡萄酒之一,而我卻被另一高級甜酒Ben Ryé(風之子)迷得暈頭轉向。
我們參加了酒莊的品酒之旅,包括了解酒莊沿革與釀酒風格、參觀酒窖,以及品酒,最後當然送進商鋪... ...消費。
當天我們還拜訪另一酒莊Florio,因為時間無法配合,沒有參加品酒會,而只是到商鋪購買瑪莎拉酒。其實,在荷蘭的Hanos 就可以買到Florio 這兩支現代酒款,Baglio Florio 和Donna Franca,但是來瑪莎拉城購買瑪莎拉酒對我而言像是一場甜蜜派對,我無法抗拒前來赴約。
大型品酒室... ...吧。
Mille e una notte 2012 IGT
Mille e una Notte 2012 has an ample and enveloping bouquet characterized by fruity notes of mulberry, blackberry and plum, and balsamic and spicy scents (nutmeg). In the mouth it is soft and intense and it amazes with the great finesse of its tannins. Long persistence on the finish. Donnafugata's flagship red confirms itself as an icon of style and elegance.
Mille e una notte 2009 DOP
Mille e una Notte 2009 offers an enveloping and fragrant bouquet, balsamic notes stand out, perfectly combined with pleasant hints of spice. The mouth is soft and opens with notes of red berries, evolving towards balsamic hints. A great red, ample and enveloping, that confirms its elegance, Mille e una Notte 2009 amazes with its great balance and immediate pleasantness.
Ben Ryé 2015 DOC
Ben Ryé 2015 has a brilliant amber color. The nose offers a fragrant and complex bouquet, with notes of fresh apricot and orange zest combined with scents of Mediterranean scrub (thyme and rosemary). The palate amazes with its great freshness and intensity, wi th a pleasant sweetness balanced by great minerality and lively sapidity. It finishes with a lingering persistence, with a satisfying return of the fruity note. A complex and captivating Passito di Pantelleria, one of the most appreciated Italian sweet win es in the world.
Ben Ryé 2008 Limited DOC
Ben Ryé 2008 is bright amber. Notes of dates followed by dried figs and carob are perceived on the nose, ending in apricots and flowery notes. Soft and round in the mouth, with excellent acidity that emphasizes the length and persistence.
Mille e una notte 2012 IGT
Mille e una notte 2009 DOP
Ben Ryé 2015 DOC
Ben Ryé 2008 Limited DOC
我挑了我們一致喜愛的第一支9 瓶,第三支甜點酒3 瓶(阿莫先生不喜歡甜點酒,所以算是我的私房酒),酒廠會安排寄送至荷蘭。
而第四支Ben Ryé 2008 Limited DOC 是我的最愛,每一瓶都由木盒單獨包裝,因此我挑了3瓶,裝在行李箱中跟我們一起回荷蘭。
第四支Ben Ryé 2008 Limited DOC 是我的最愛,每一瓶都由木盒單獨包裝,因此我挑了3瓶,裝在行李箱中跟我們一起回荷蘭。
在荷蘭的Hanos 就可以買到Florio 這兩支現代酒款,Baglio Florio 和Donna Franca,但是來瑪莎拉城購買瑪莎拉酒對我而言像是一場甜蜜派對,我無法抗拒前來赴約。
灰色紙筒是Baglio Florio,白色則是Donna Franca,我各抱了1 支回家。
Baglio Florio
Bright, old gold colour with topaz highlights.
Intense and airy, extremely fine, with slight hints of vanilla, burnt honey and toasted hazelnuts.
Dry and smooth with hints of liquorice and almonds blended in a delicate and harmonious note of vanilla.
Donna Franca
Brilliant topaz with intense amber flashes.
Intense, complex, distinct traces of apricot syrup and dates, with a wide ange of spices.
Full, warm, soft velvety with an elegant vanilla base. Clear traces of spices and candied fruit, with a caramel finish and bitter almonds.
度假返荷隔天就收到Donnafugata 寄來的酒。
Donnafugata Mille e una notte 2012 - Terre Siciliane IGT
Mille e una notte 2009 - Contessa Entellina DOP
Donnafugata Ben Ryé 2015 - Passito di Pantelleria DOC
Donnafugata Ben Ryé 2008 Limited Edition NO. 2657- Passito di Pantelleria DOC
Donna Franca Marsala DOC - Florio
Baglio Florio Marsala DOC - Florio
購於Florio 的酸豆、Zibibbo 葡萄甜酒糖漿、柑橘糖漿。