
The Landis~la marche 圓頂市集.亞都麗緻西班牙 Tapas 餐酒會~

The Landis~la marche 圓頂市集.亞都麗緻西班牙 Tapas 餐酒會~

西班牙伊比利火腿  Imberico Ham, Empeltre Olives, Roasted Red Salad

The Landis~la marche 圓頂市集.亞都麗緻西班牙 Tapas 餐酒會~

The Landis~la marche 圓頂市集.亞都麗緻西班牙 Tapas 餐酒會~

The Landis~la marche 圓頂市集.亞都麗緻西班牙 Tapas 餐酒會~

乳酪番茄附法國麵包  Queso Manchego, Olive Oil, Fresh Tomato, Baguette
西班牙風乾火腿  Jamon Serrano, Marinated Manzanillo Olives

The Landis~la marche 圓頂市集.亞都麗緻西班牙 Tapas 餐酒會~

The Landis~la marche 圓頂市集.亞都麗緻西班牙 Tapas 餐酒會~

鬱金香鹹鱈魚附洋芋  Bacaloa, Salt Cod, Nugget Potato, Turmeric Oil

The Landis~la marche 圓頂市集.亞都麗緻西班牙 Tapas 餐酒會~

蒜味甜椒明蝦  Gambas Pil Pil, King Prawn, Fresh Garlic, Olive Oil,And Guindilla Peppers
醃漬章魚  Pulpitos Marinado A La Plancha, Marinated Baby Octopus

The Landis~la marche 圓頂市集.亞都麗緻西班牙 Tapas 餐酒會~

Mejillones Escabeche, Steamed with Garlic, Chorizo, Onions, Tomato, Herbs and White Wine

The Landis~la marche 圓頂市集.亞都麗緻西班牙 Tapas 餐酒會~

香煎鯖魚佐西班牙醬汁  Pescado Romesco, Fried Mackerel, Salsa Romesco

The Landis~la marche 圓頂市集.亞都麗緻西班牙 Tapas 餐酒會~

醃漬蒜味甜椒焦化洋蔥  Montado Di Lomo, 
Marinated in Smoked Paprika and Garlic, Caramelized Onions and Potato Fondant
檸香蒜味香料雞肉串  Pollo Al Limon, Chicken Brochette with Lemon, Garlic, and Herbs

The Landis~la marche 圓頂市集.亞都麗緻西班牙 Tapas 餐酒會~

卡泰隆尼亞肉桂檸檬鮮奶油  Crèma Catalana, Cinnamon and Lemon Cream

The Landis~la marche 圓頂市集.亞都麗緻西班牙 Tapas 餐酒會~

巧克力香蕉  Platanos Frito, Fried Banana with Chocolate

The Landis~la marche 圓頂市集.亞都麗緻西班牙 Tapas 餐酒會~

咖啡冰淇淋  Helado De Café, Coffee Ice Cream

The Landis~la marche 圓頂市集.亞都麗緻西班牙 Tapas 餐酒會~

西班牙咖啡  Café Español, Spanish Coffee


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